
H.C. Andersen - 3 popular fairy tales II

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H.C. Andersen - 3 popular fairy tales II

This book is a small treasure trove of three of the most famous and beloved fairy tales by Denmark’s most renowned storyteller, Hans Christian Andersen.
The book is richly illustrated by Danish artist, Sidsel Brix. The playful illustrations are both sweet and whimsical and really bring Andersen’s magical fairy tale universe to life for both the young and young at heart.
The fairy tales are: The Ugly Duckling, The Tinderbox, Thumbelina

Denne bog er et lille skatkammer, med tre af de mest berømte eventyr, fra Danmarks verdenskendte historiefortæller, H.C. Andersen.
Bogen er rigt illustreret af den danske kunstner, Sidsel Brix. De legesyge illustrationer er både søde og lidt skøre, og bringer H.C. Andersens magiske eventyrunivers til live, for både unge og gamle.
De tre eventyr er: Den grimme ælling, Fyrtøjet, Tommelise
God fornøjelse!
